
Three Important Steps On Your Journey

Everyone "connects" in different ways. Depending on your life stage, personality, and circumstances – we each have different needs. We get it. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach. But, there is always a next step towards Christ. Here are some some important next steps you should consider.

Step 1 - Do you have questions about Jesus? Questions like, "Who is He and Why does He care about me?" Or, "What's the point of knowing Him?" Maybe you want to know how to have a relationship with Him. These are great questions! Please feel free to talk to our staff pastors, or any of the lay leaders, with any questions you have.
Step 2 - Another important step is joining a Sunday School. Our Sunday School clases meet on Sunday morning at 9:30, just before services. Our classes offer more targeted teaching for the age group or the demographics of the members.
Step 3 - Serving others is vital step in your journey. Jesus said "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me." Look for opportunities to serve that fit your unique gifts, desires, and passions.

We can help you with each of these. Just stop speak to any of our pastors or lay leaders after the service when you come.
